This Linden tree is giving me fits! Look how it is sending out such a long central leader without enough branches forming along the leader! I’m posting a message about it at in the tree forum to see what kind of answers I can get.
This Linden tree is giving me fits! Look how it is sending out such a long central leader without enough branches forming along the leader! I’m posting a message about it at in the tree forum to see what kind of answers I can get.
I got a few comments on my posting: One said to cut it down, because it will ruin the view. The other said this:
No, don’t cut – that’s the future trunk of the tree. The side shoots off it will (with time) develop into the crown. It will straighten itself out in a year or two as it puts on more wood thickness on the stem.
Cutting it would leave a weak point in the tree’s future growth, which could mean large branches falling off in the future.