I’ve broken down, and for the first time in my life, I bought and planted some petunias. OK, they’re not the gaudy awful ones, they’re just a salmon-pink (‘Hurrah Salmon’ variety), with medium sized flowers, and I want them to fill in spaces in the front walkway flowerbed. I did that on Tuesday, I think. But many of them are looking sick today. I don’t know if they got too much water when it rained yesterday or if they weren’t hardened for sitting in the sun or what. Bummer if I lose them.
I also put some Vigoro Azalea fertilizer on that flowerbed and all over in the front flowerbed below the rock retaining wall. It was a high phosphorous ratio fertilizer.
I’ve noticed that plants getting large are blocking some of the sprinklers from reaching other plants. I have two daylilies in the front that are dying because of the obstruction. I’m going to try raising some of the those sprinklers with two-foot tall extensions to see if that helps, but I can only do that in the back of the bed, not the front.
My clematises have a few flowerbuds on them now. Well, the one that gets more shade is doing better. The other one doesn’t have buds yet.
The rose hedge in back is starting to bloom, but it’s still sparse. I think aphids are getting to the buds when they’re little and causing them to fall off. I will spray a systemic pesticide on them today.
I’ll also be spraying malathion on the apples, cherries, and nectarines today. Need to do it again in 10-14 days.