Planting the seeds of a happy life

If you’ve followed this blog in the past year, you know that my gardening life (and my blog activity) has slowed considerably since all the changes in my life took me away from that piece of ground I cultivated and loved for eight years.  Well, on October 10th, 2010 (10.10.10!) my sweet Santia and I planted the seeds of a new, happy life together.

One of the things I adore about my sweetheart is that she loves gardening, too! As you can see in the first few pictures below, we had a garden party on the day before our wedding. We bought dozens of wonderful chrysanthemums and placed them all around our home. The next day, we spread the garden love around and gave most of the potted flowers away to our wedding guests.

Our wedding was on a beach at Lake Tahoe, with incredibly beautiful golden aspen trees all around. How much more perfect could our new start be? It was a perfect date, a perfect day, a perfect setting, and a perfect partner to do it all with.

And guess what? Santia comes with a whole acre of land in the Sierra Nevada foothills! I sense some new gardening adventures around the corner… :)

4 thoughts on “Planting the seeds of a happy life

  1. I’m a big fan of mixing half potting soil, half coconut fiber (coir) in my pots. It helps them hold water longer but certainly won’t make it last for a week. I have my pots on a drip system that’s part of my irrigation system so I fear I’m no help there!

  2. Amy, I clicked through to your blog and saw that you are having a big life change and moving to Washington. Good luck, and I hope you find that Northwest gardening is wonderful! I’ll bet you love the gardening up there.

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